A Slow Drip Through Granite
Fortson Well Company arrived at the cabin early Tuesday morning as planned. After a quick set-up, red dirt began spewing from the exhaust pipe of the drill rig. At 40 feet, we hit rock, and a fine gray ash began to cover the ground and surrounding brush. They drilled and drilled. And drilled some more. By the end of the day Tuesday, we were at 320 feet and getting very little water. I was beginning to get nervous. Mama's and Lamar's well is just over 200 feet deep, and they have plenty of water. This was my only point of reference. But the elder Mr Fortson told me not to worry. He is 73 years young and has drilled more wells than he can remember. He has seen it all and was nearly positive that we would get what we wanted with more drilling planned for Wednesday.
By 9am on Wednesday morning, the drill rig was blasting again. It was so loud that Melvin and I retreated inside the cabin with the doors and windows closed. And our fingers and toes crossed. Mama and Lamar showed up about 10am, and there was excitement in the air. By this point we all felt that surely water must be close. They joined me inside, and I made a pot of coffee. In our family, all things go better with coffee.
About 11am Lamar went outside to get an update. Mama and I stayed inside. I was weary from checking the progress and had decided to just wait until someone called me or I saw water shooting from the ground. But a short time later, the drilling stopped. Mama and I looked at each other with big eyes. And a smile. We headed for the door, coffee cups in hand. Lamar greeted us with a grin and the official word that we had struck significant water!
When it was all said and done, the depth of the well came in at 500 feet. That's a deep well, and I feel good about my water supply from far beneath the earth's surface. I have the ultimate water filter! It's a slow drip through granite before it makes it to my well.
The pump, tank, and water line will be installed next week. At that point, I'll have access to water via an outside spigot. After that, I will have the kitchen and bathroom plumbed and the septic tank installed. Things are moving forward in my country life.
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