
Showing posts from September, 2013

Happy Grateful Bits

Wildflower down by the creek. Looking for the good in every day is something I try to practice. I'm always happier when I take time to notice what I have sometimes called the "happy grateful bits," the sweet little things that happen around us all the time, the things that we tend to overlook in favor of all the things that irritate us or cause us to worry. You know, things like traffic, weather we don't like, the job we do or don't have, how much money we have in the bank, people who bug us, etc. But I've learned that whatever I give my attention to expands, so I choose to give my attention to the good stuff. Here are today's happy grateful bits.

Stunning Combination

Golden Rod and Beauty Berry Today I'm grateful for . . . this stunning combination of golden rod and beauty berry that I spotted right behind LaMama's house. UGA's win over LSU yesterday and texting with my brother during the game. this perfect fall weather. the opportunities for rewarding work that continue to come my way. Lamar is feeling "great" today; said he hasn't felt this good in a while.

My Morning Spot

My morning spot here at the cabin. I'm loving this fall weather. This morning I had to wrap up in a blanket again to sit on the porch, and it's about time to dig the heaters out of storage (no central heat here). Oh, and I can't wait for the first fire in the wood stove, but that may be a while.

Just Gratitude, 9/26/13

Beauty Berry (callicarpa americana) Today I'm grateful for. . . the native beauty berries that are magnificent right now, three does that crossed my path this morning, the morning light of late September and the long shadows of fall, geese honking in the distance and a cow moo too, Melvin snoring at my feet, always having more than enough.

Perfect Fall Weekend

My brother visited last weekend, and while he was here he built a simple wooden structure to fit overtop the big fake rock that covers and protects the well-pump. This gives me good workspace where before there was just wasted, unusuable space. The big wooden counter is solid and sturdy but can be easily removed for well-pump maintenance. We used materials that I already had onsite, so I didn’t spend a dime. I love being thrifty and making use of stuff I already have.

This Little Lovely

I took this picture yesterday while I was in Atlanta. I noticed this little lovely while walking in Avondale Estates. I'm not familiar with this plant so I'm hoping some of my gardening friends will educate me. (9/15/13 Update per Cheryl Aldrich, this is an anemone.) White fall flowers (I love white flowers) atop stout stems that didn't flop, and if I remember correctly, it was blooming in dappled shade beneath the mature trees common to Avondale. Of course, it was out by the street, so I imagine it gets several hours of sun at some point during the day. It's a beautiful fall morning here today. The temperature on the porch at 8 o'clock was 59 degrees and sent me back inside for a blanket. I love the nip in the air and the reddish tinge on the dogwoods. Many of the sweetgums have already started dropping yellow and brown leaves. It feels like fall, and I love it. That's the latest from my country life. Wishing you well, as always. ~Pat


The Flag in downtown Avondale Estates I walked to downtown Avondale Estates this afternoon to photograph and observe the city’s 9/11 memorial. To mark the occasion, the city has installed 2,983 flags, one for each of the victims in the 9/11/2001 attacks. As I made my way there, a jet pierced the clear blue sky, and I was reminded of that morning 12 years ago when hate boarded planes and filled the skies. The unimaginable became reality.

LaMama Work Day, Fall 2013

Mama and Lamar October 2011 Yesterday, we held the first official semi-annual LaMama Work Day. It was a beautiful late summer day, clear and warm with low humidity. Perfect for heavy yard work and family fellowship.

Great Strides for Cystic Fibrosis

with my nephew, Joseph Christmas 2011 On October 19, I will be participating in the Great Strides walk at the State Botanical Garden in Athens. Great Strides is a national fundraiser for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF). Events are held around the country in various cities throughout the year. This walk at the State Botanical Garden is sponsored by the Northeast Georgia Chapter of the CFF.