A Country Year

White Oak at the Cabin
picture taken 11/4/12
I have decided to move to the cabin for a while. When I lost my job back in June, I immediately took comfort in the knowledge that I could move here if I needed to. I'm grateful that I spent the last year getting it livable. Owning this place free and clear of any mortgage has allowed me to think about how I really want to spend my life. I wasn't forced to FIND A JOB - any job - just to pay the mortgage and the VISA bill.

Currently, I am doing some management consulting and freelance writing, and it suits me. Over the coming months, I intend to build a consulting practice and develop a writing portfolio. I will be in Atlanta as often as work requires it. Eventually, I anticipate returning to the city for my primary residence, but for now I am headed to the country. I will be transitioning here over the next few weeks with the move complete by the end of the year. I'm calling this next phase "A Country Year."  And of course, I will be writing about it here on this blog.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."
~Henry David Thoreau


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