That Would Be Just Fine

I saw Goldie, the box turtle again this morning. She was just off to the side of the driveway. I thought she might be trying to lay eggs there so I left her alone and continued my walk. When I returned, she had moved on. I found her just a few feet away munching on a wild mushroom. She let me take her picture again and didn’t seem alarmed by me. I may need to install a sign that reads “Turtle Crossing” if she continues to hang out around the driveway, and that would be just fine.

Two hummingbirds have started visiting the hummingbird feeder every morning. They zip by in a flurry, starting about 6:30am and don’t seem the least bit bothered by me as I sit in the rocker just a few feet away.

The first of the real heat and humidity is coming this week. It was 90 here yesterday and very humid. Of course in a few weeks, we will be thankful for temps down around 90, I bet. Today is supposed to be in the mid-90’s, and I am thankful for air conditioning in the cabin. Some things about living here remind me of my childhood – the rural setting, the bare floors, washing dishes by hand, the tick of the clock, the quiet - but I prefer not to be reminded of living without AC!

I had a great workout in the driveway this morning. I’m getting better at working out alone, and most days it is not as mentally difficult as it was at first. CrossFit is hard, and doing it alone can be really hard. But each time I complete a workout, I get fitter, both mentally and physically. I follow CrossFit NewEngland’s (CFNE) programming. At first I was planning my own workouts, but I quickly realized that wasn’t a good idea. It left too much room for negotiating with myself, for picking and choosing the things that I like or that I’m good at. So now I just follow CFNE (I’m about a month behind their current schedule). I do what their website says and scale or substitute as needed. Since I don’t have a pull-up bar yet, I always sub kettle bell swings or dips for the pull-ups.  And since I don’t have a rower or squat rack yet, I can’t row, and I can’t squat heavy. But for the most part I can come pretty close to the workout they are doing each day. It’s no different than being in the gym and scaling a workout based on ability and/or injuries.

That’s the news from my country life. Wishing you peace, good health, and happiness.

Goldie eating a mushroom.


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